Greetings Program!

My name is Jordan Troxel and I am an artist. I make music, paint, take photos, and do graphic design. I am in a band and working on my own music, I started painting in acrylic years ago and more recently moved to watercolor. I have been shooting film since I was little, and I take digital photos on occasion. This website is a gallery of all of my art. Enjoy.

I started singing at the age of five when my mother; a chior singer in her youth, had my brothers and I sing on stage together. I come from a family of seven, I have four brothers, three older and one younger. We were homeschooled, and so we spent a lot of time together making art and music. I began drumming at eleven but was unable to play well enough to join my band until around thirteen to fourteen. My band, Wildsound is comprised of my older three brothers and myself. We make alt-rock/pop-rock. I have picked up many skills in music since I started drumming; in addiotion to that and singing, I can play guitar, ukulele, bass, and I am learning the flute. I have been mixing music since I was thirteen and I am the principal audio engineer on my bands upcoming EP.

I began painting as a teen with acrylic paints as they were availible to me and easier to use than some other mediums, but I did not realy enjoy the medium as much as I had hoped. In 2023 I began using watercolor. I had seen a video by Bill Making Stuff where he used watercolor to paint his Bead Bot sketches. So on a whim I bought some and started painting. I like watercolor much more than acrylic, and I have been painting much more.

I have been taking photos since I was a kid. My parents bought me a Fisher Price Perfect Shot 110 Film Camera when I was very young and I was hooked. I have been hoarding collecting cameras ever since. My love of film is a great mystery to some, and a shared comfort to others. I have a wide range of 35mm, 16mm, and 110 film cameras; as well as a bunch of Polaroid cameras. I love to capture moments, and I have tried to do so on anything I could get my grubby mits on. I buy the occasional digital camera as well, but I am not as obsessed with them.

I make a lot of other crap, and you just might see some photos of them here and there if you stick around for any length of time. But I make no promises.

Anyway, if you wanna know anything else you'll just have to ask.

Thanks for visiting. If you have the time, take a look around. You might like what you see.


Contact Me

Send an email to my manager Kyrstin!